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ERASMUS+ Project
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Central Park is is the most visited urban park in the United States as well as one of the most filmed locations in the world. It was opened in 1857 and is expanded in 843 acres of city-owned land.
It might be work, but it doesn't have to feel like it. All you need is a comfortable desk, nice laptop, home office furniture that keeps things organized, and the right lighting for the job.
The Vespa Scooter has evolved from a single model motor scooter manufactured in the year 1946 by Piaggio & Co. S.p.A. of Pontedera, Italy-to a full line of scooters, today owned by Piaggio.
The project aimed to create a special virtual toolbox for teachers as a sophisticated tool for developing Open Online Distance Learning (OODL) courses which means open, online, flexible and technology enhanced education (OOFAT). The mixture of of the partners ensured the necessary competences, values, skills and knowledge for developing an innovative approach to OODL. This project used a strategic cooperation between formal and non-formal/informal educational providers using ICT based teaching and the enhancement of digital integration in learning. It enhanced teachers’ professional development and supported students‘ acquisition of values, skills and competences.
The project started October 1, 2017 and was finished in September 2019. Approximately 1420 students, teachers, decision makers, researchers and other stakeholders have been impacted by the project.
The 5 consortium members were well distributed in Europe:
The VVT-Box methodology focused on items which are either not yet common or still missing in Open Online Distance Education as a
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A more detailed description, including the project results, can be found here!