Course Implementation: Interactive Checklist

Self-Evaluation Course Implementation

Instruction: With this interactive checklist you may evaluate your course. This self-evaluation uses benchmarking.  You will find a list of questions related to the course. You must estimate to what extent your course fits to the given statements. After you have selected your answers you will get a visualisation of your answers and additionally a feedback.

Name of the course*

Statement Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not applicable
Students are provided with clear and up-to-date information about their courses including learning and assessment methods.

Students are provided with guidelines stating their rights, roles and responsibilities and those of the teaching/training institution and the involved teacher(s)/trainer(s)

Students have access to support services by teacher(s), trainer(s) and technical staff.

Students have access to learning resources including online library access, study skills development and a study advisor (by the teacher).

Used materials have sufficient interactivity (student-to-content or student-to-student) to encourage active engagement and enable students to test their knowledge, understanding and skills.

Activities are moderated by the teacher(s)/trainer(s)/ other student(s) as agreed at the begin of the course.

Students get regularly feedback from the teacher (in a motivating way).

All resources of the course can be accessed from the learning platform (even if the course used external resources).

The self-evaluation mandala has been handled at the beginning and the end of the course.

Disclaimer: This interactive self-evaluation uses the E-xcellence quality associates label, developed by the EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities). The use of E-xcellence quality associates label in this context has been done with the agreement and consent of the EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities).
In case of any adaption of the benchmarks suiting the context is in comments below the original benchmark The original framework is available from