Assessment and Evaluation – Self-Evaluation of a new course
The VTT-Box is based on certain principles. This means active learning, the use of the self-evaluation mandala, the use of a quality enhance framework. Many of thees items can be evaluated by benchmarking.
Each course you have newly created or implemented again should be assessed by the teacher(s)/trainer(s) and evaluated by the learners.
The aim of these activities is to collect the feedback to the course content, the implementation, the moderation and the student’s support. Other items can be added due to the need of feedback and will enhance the self-evaluation of the teacher(s). These items can be formulated like the existing questions in the questionnaire.
Here you will find the interactive checklist. You may check the relevant statements and put it into context of your implemented course in a Likert scale. Finally you will receive a feedback taking into accout your answers.