The teachers’ toolbox is a web-based service for course developers and assists teachers in creating high quality distance learning courses.
- Is a completely new developed tool and does not yet exist in similar way in the teaching landscape
- Offers an innovative agile and unlimited approach
- Aims to support teachers and trainers in course creation
- Addresses teachers (trainers) as target group
- Provides innovation focusing on course creation, quality enhancement and using technology enhanced teaching (in the way of Online Distance learning)
This is a sophisticated (well elaborated, useful, versatile for various subjects, and labour saving) teacher’s tool to create Online Distance Learning courses using the knowledge and experience developed in the project. It is web-based and an in-house development of the consortium providing an outreach of current discourse and future trends. The creation of the webservice will be done by the programming and development department of the EBI/EIE.
The toolbox provides an intelligent user interface with a database driven programming behind. This toolbox simplifies the course generation for the teachers and offer the access to higher teaching quality and better learning outcomes.
The toolbox offers 7 different tools to assist the teacher in course creation or to impact to course evaluation and amendment. These tools are:
- Developing the course structure
- List of (possible) activity
- List of quality criteria (split in three different items)
- Aid for course evaluation
- Tool for the competency definition
- Tool to create the self-evaluation mandala
- Checklists for the course (evaluation of outcomes, quality enhancement, active learning)