Self-Evaluation Course Implementation
Instruction: With this interactive checklist you may evaluate your course. This self-evaluation uses benchmarking. You will find a list of questions related to the course. You must estimate to what extent your course fits to the given statements. After you have selected your answers you will get a visualisation of your answers and additionally a feedback.
Disclaimer: This interactive self-evaluation uses the E-xcellence quality associates label, developed by the EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities). The use of E-xcellence quality associates label in this context has been done with the agreement and consent of the EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities).
In case of any adaption of the benchmarks suiting the context is in comments below the original benchmark The original framework is available from
In case of any adaption of the benchmarks suiting the context is in comments below the original benchmark The original framework is available from