List of Quality Criteria
This tool creates several specific description of quality criteria which can be used to create high quality courses. The project uses the e-Xcellence(1) framework (which was developed to provide a benchmark-based approach to quality). This quality benchmarking instrument was created for universities in enhancing their Online, Open and Flexible (OOF) education at programme, faculty and institutional level, but can be used by other teaching institutions, especially by school, to enhance the course quality. This page offers you two options:
Get your list
Here you will get a static checklist with short statments to the developed quality criteria.
How to use
This list should be use in the frame of the course planning and development. You may use the following approach:
- Define the taught competence (and develop the self-evaluation mandala)
- Print out the three check lists and check the mentioned items seriously.
Hint: If you want to read the complete descriptions of the quality criteriause either the links at the bottom of this page or select the items from the submenu. - Create your course concept (for example with a mind map)
- Develop your course (crteating the content, multimedia-based activities, assignments, various assessments and so on).
- Now take the printed lists of the quality criteria and check if your course fulfiles all the listed items.
If you find out that any item is not fulfiled so take into account an amendment process before the course is started.
Download of the lists
The quality criteria refer to
Hint: The toolbox refers to the e-Xellence framework and suggests MOODLE 3.X as the used learning platform. Other platforms can be used also but are not tested within the toolbox. The links in the documents refer to the MOOC (currently in development).
Definitions and recommendations
Here you will find a summary of the quality criteria and the recommendations for teachers. You will find the original description of each (used) benchmark (abbriviation BM) and the comments of the VTT-Box team. Please take into account that there are several recommendations that are enhancing the quality framework with a special focus on school education.
- Quality of Course Design
- Quality of Course Delivery
- Quality of Student and Teacher’s Support
(1) e-Xellence was created by EADTU. Established in January 1987, the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) is Europe’s institutional network for open and flexible higher education. Link: