When developing a course, pedagogical considerations have to be taken into account already from the beginning, as it has implications for course design, activities and assessments. In addition, quality aspects have to be considered and reviewed during the creation, implementation and evaluation of the course.
Learning theories have developed a body of principles which now define contemporary learning environments. In general, these principles aim to develop independent learners who have the ability to envisage their own goals, pursue their own investigations and participate in collaborative processes of planning and knowledge construction. Technology has also radicalized learning by offering new resources to teaching and new ways of interaction between people. Teacher and student collaboration, as well as the interaction between students can now extend beyond the classroom. Learners have a variety of multimedia resources that can help them enrich the amount of information they have available and gain a better understanding of the topic they study. Moreover, technology gives learners the tools to plan and map their own learning, follow their interests and check their progress.